What does RhemaSound mean?

The word Rhema ρημα (pronounced rhēma) is the Greek word for a direct spoken word. It is the word rhema that is used in the following verses. (Matthew 4:4), "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." and Eph 6:17, "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" I choose the word rhema because the idea is more of a "living word" than just a written word.

RhemaSound is a ministry that is dedicated to making godly audio-materials available for use by radio stations and individuals. The purpose of this ministry is that these resources be available to all, free of charge.

Who does RhemaSound represent?

RhemaSound is not an extension of any church or other organization. RhemaSound is a ministry that was started by Brian Raaen, and is under his direction. While RhemaSound is not a direct extension of any other ministry, it is influenced by the ministries represented on this site. All materials contained on this site are placed here solely at the discretion of Brian Raaen, and are consistent with the doctrinal statement for this site. All sermons and other works represented are published with the permission of the respective authors and remain the property of the respective owner(s) thereof. The only exceptions being works which belong to the public domain, and quotations and other uses governed by the fair use laws of the United States of America. At this point RhemaSound has no formal staff, and I work on this in my spare time.

What are RhemaSound's goals and future plans?

I am planning on creating in-house recordings for use with this ministry. I have the equipment for recording and plan on producing music, radio dramas, radio series, and other audio-productions. I plan on copyrighting all materials produced by Rhema Sound. This is so that I can have full legal protection from abuses caused by misuse of RhemaSound's productions, and so that others can not legally "sell" our materials when we intend them to be only provided free of charge.